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Meal planning and healthy way of eating

Would you define your eating habits as healthy? If not, you shouldn’t be embarrassed to admit, because it’s your parent's fault… No, no, no, I’m just kidding. Well, but the truth is that our eating habits are truly inherited from our parents or beloved ones. Even more, we were tasting different flavours when we were in mama’s belly, before our birth!

So actually the taste is learnt, which is very useful information. This means that a flavour of healthy food can still grow on us. So, maybe I will, someday and somewhere, like the taste of a sour turnip. And when I will decide to taste it, it would be great if the food will be served by someone who I love, because this feeling will pass on culinary delights from my plate. Also, it is very important that while I will be trying a sour turnip, people around the table will be making a positive atmosphere and talking only about happy topics. This positivity will be associated with the food, which will get a positive stamp. 

However, eating rituals, which we learnt from our family, can’t be easily forgotten. Now you know why were your parent so annoying when they were persistently trying to make you eat your portion of spinach. You can only thank them because they spent all of their strength while they were kindly persuading you to eat one more teaspoon for your mammy. 
Eat to nourish your body
Tell me, why do we eat? Your answer is probably the same… Because we are hungry… Of course! That is the basic motive, besides the desire to experience different flavours. But we also eat because of some other reasons, a set of circumstances. For example because of tradition, belongingness, socialising, health reasons and so on. 

I have to be honest with you… I and my boyfriend don’t eat very varied meals. In fact, we have a big problem, because about year ago I was still a persistent 6-year-old vegetarian, so I still don’t eat a lot of meat, and my boyfriend doesn’t eat vegetables at all. Well, he eats corn, but I think that this is not a vegetable, but a cereal. Besides that, we both don’t like to taste new unknown food. Do you know that some people are actually scared of that? Yeah, and it is called Food neophobia. 

Because all of this I decided to make my eating plan for 7 days. I have been planning our meals before, but I have always forgotten on myself and made a salad just from time to time. So I tried really hard and carefully included some healthy ingredients in my meals, especially more vegetables. 
Skip diet and just eat healthy. 
I can only tell you that a meal planning is really a wonderful thing, a large plus in my life. I spend less time in a grocery store, because I don’t need to think what am I going to cook the day after tomorrow, and I even save some money! And also you won’t be constantly asking your loved ones, a husband, a wife or your kids, the same thing all the time “What should we eat today?”. You will simply have a plan of meals and all necessary ingredients. 

And even this, you will be able to visit a store only once a week, which sounds like a dream right? And after a while, you will have your own menu for cooking, your own collection of meals, from which you would then carefully make different weekly combinations. 

Subscribe to newsletters and get our weekly menu. Please, let me know (in a comment below, or on my Facebook or Instagram) if you like it and what I could add to create healthier meals. I will very much appreciate your feedback, because I want to know you! 

Here you can also check my 7 secrets to feel healthier! 

Have a nice day! 

Source: Kobal Grum, D in Seničar, M. (2011). Psihološki vidiki prehranjevalnega vedenja. Anthropos, 153-177.


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