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Trip to Aarhus!

My boyfriend and I went in Aarhus on a free Thursday afternoon. We had to run some errands and then we also decided to visit the center of this beautiful nearby city. We combined what it was necessary and beneficial. We were planning to do all of this for quite some time, but there were always some troubles, which had prevented our trip. 

It was a rainy day, which didn't ruin our happy mood. We ate our favorite pizza Domino's and accidentally found Street food, which you just have to visit when coming in Aarhus. A lovely feature of this city, with some cute colorful food stalls, food trucks, containers and bars in a huge hall… there you can find a lot of different specialties… healthy, unhealthy, vegan, caloric, sweet, salty etc. Unlike my boyfriend, I just couldn't resist the delicious looking dessert.

At the end of the day, we also looked for a shopping center, where we ended up really exhausting. I also have to mention that we experienced a modern way of parking. We left the car in a garage, which looked like a car wash… but it was actually an elevator for cars! And then it moved our car lower, under the ground and drove it somewhere to the unknown and an hour later, when we arrived, the elevator just lift the car back to us. It was really fascinating! 

Even though we arrived at home very tired, we were happy. We took some time for ourselves and created some beautiful memories. The afternoon was really great. I knew that this short trip will be perfect for me because I needed a break from my working table, where I lately spent to much time. My enthusiasm for writing and reading led to rushing all the time, while my tasks stayed unfinished. And this is definitely not typical for me because I always want to do my job perfectly. I wasn't concentrated and my thought quickly ended who knows where – 'everywhere, but nowhere'. My mind wasn't focused. Do you know this feeling? 

Free afternoon helped me to clear my mind and to think appropriate again. I found an inspiration, spontaneously managed to re-set my priorities and found my main goal, which I really want to accomplish. From time to time we have to take a day or two just for our beloved ones, children and family members, who teach us how to forget on our obligations and problems. Time with them helps us to enjoy the moment and relax our mind. And with all of this, we can become even more motivated for the next working day. It isn't necessary to visit a long distant place. Sometimes it's enough to explore close cities and a hometown. We have to take those days… for our SELVES, our SOUL, and our WELL-BEING. 

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