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About me

Hi there!

I am a 23 years old student of psychology, a conscientious and hardworking girl, whom love drove to the Northern Europe - Denmark. With a heavy heart, I left my lovely Slovenia and moved to Copenhagen. Far away from my irreplaceable family and friends, me and my boyfriend moved into our first common apartment, which we now more and more often call it 'Home'. But in reality we both know, that our home will always be in Slovenia. 

My idea of blogging was inspired with our moving into the foreign country. I had a lot of free time, so I used it for my enthusiasm for psychology. By reading interesting psychological articles I have learnt a lot of useful and beneficial tips that can help everyone in everyday life. If we all took those tips into account, our stay on this earth would be much easier and simpler.

A lot of unique phenomena have already been known and researched till today. But they are described in  long and complicated reports that often discourages people from reading them. So the idea of ​​combining my personal thinking, everyday experiences and interesting summaries of some psychological research seemed extremely attractive. My desire is to show you how sensible and practical psychological findings can be in our wonderful and unique life.

So I'm delighted to invite you to read my writings and I hope that each of you will find something useful for yourself. 

Saša Bajc 


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