During your reading, I will be safely home, in Slovenia. But at the moment, I am sitting in the waiting room at the airport in Aarhus and subtracting minutes to the boarding on the plane. Actually, I still have a plenty of time, because I have to wait approximately two hours. My beloved ones expected this because I am always early. I don't want to be late, especially not today… The plane can take off without me. You can never know what can happen on the road, so it is always wise to be a little bit earlier. Emphasis on the word LITTLE, of course, so I really don’t know if I am the right address to share such tips. Today I am definitely too early because I’m sitting with people, who booked an early flight to Copenhagen, which will take off an hour and a half before mine.
But at the beginning of my arrival to the airport I didn’t know that people next to me were waiting for an early flight to Copenhagen, so you can only imagine me in chaos when they announce on the speaker that the plane for the Copenhagen is ready. I started searching my boarding pass in panic, just to check out my boarding time. I was scared that I remembered the wrong departure time. At the end, the employee kindly calmed me down.
The truth is that I am nervous because I travel alone for the first time today. I have never flown without my boyfriend before. But it was time to take this step and to overcome my fear of airports, which is, by the way, still huge. But I’m making progress. I'm following steps to overcome my fear (you can find them at the end of the blog post).
I will change planes at the Copenhagen airport, which is great because that is my home field (We had lived in Copenhagen for 7 months). Ah, I’m certain that everything will be okay and that I will easily find the gate for Ljubljana… It’s just hard to tell this story to my body, who is obviously showing all physiological signs of stress. And I know that I will survive this flight… I am not afraid of flying, but you have to admit, that it is a little bit scary when you are on the plane and start thinking that you are hundreds of kilometers above the firm ground of our planet. Besides, it is even more terrifying when stewardess starts explaining all the safety procedures in case of emergency. I always listen to her very carefully, so that I don’t miss a thing, but in the meantime, I am thinking that this couldn’t happen to me.
I would like to tell you that this trip is a very great achievement for me. An enormous one! When I will arrive in Ljubljana and hug all my family members, I will be very proud of myself. I am certain of that.
Probably you are interested why am I traveling alone, without my boyfriend. He will come after me, he just has to stay in Silkeborg for a couple of days. Unfortunately, he’s free only for a short time. At the end, we are traveling back together. I just wanted to spend some more time with my family and friends, because it is impossible to visit all of them in one weekend.
Despite an evening flight, my day started very early. I had to arrange a few things so that I will leave our flat nice and clean… I had to iron our clothes and fold them so that everything will be tip-top. And besides all, I still had to pack my stuff. While I was drinking my morning coffee and talking to my mom, she asked me surprisingly why am I not packed yet. Do you want to know the secret of a late packing? A Packing list! (You will soon found out that I am an obsessive planner). I write everything so that I don’t forget anything, I also save time and stay organized. You can subscribe below and get my Packing list, which will help you become a packing expert. You will see how easy, quick and funny can become this annoying task.

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